Sunday, November 13, 2011

Finally . . . .

So I've been gone this past week with no internet access. Apparently AT&T doesn't like Indiana computers using Wi-Fi in Texas. Therefore have not been able to post about the end of Specials and the book Clarity by Kim Harrington.
I would read in the car or on the couch when I wanted to avoid homework or simply had nothing else to do. It was pretty easy to find things that interested me because I will read a wide variety of books. I just need people to point out the good books that they enjoyed reading. I rarely had troubled meeting the weekly page quota; I usually went over the weekly quota. I tend to read with music or the TV on. If people around me were talking, then I’d have trouble focusing on the book. I do read by the computer, but that’s because my computer sits at the end of the couch, between the couch and the TV. (Convenient spot, right? =P) I usually didn’t care about checking my phone because it is a page quote, not a time quota. I talked about the books quite often, mainly with family members unless a peer asked about the book.  
 I feel like I have changed a little bit because I have a bigger desire to finish books, but this trend will most likely not last long because I will find something else to occupy my time. I am still reading the same teen/young adult, futuristic, paranormal books. I recently finished a series that took place in the future and the people were high-tech. A book after that was similar to a murder mystery, but it was also a romance with psychics, aka paranormal.  I always read independently in the summer but I think that I will read less because I plan to find a summer job.

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