Tuesday, November 1, 2011

And onto the 3rd

Yes, I finished Pretties by Scott Westerfeld in 1 week. That's dedication! Ha.

Some randomness from the book that I found interesting and  that I'd like to go into detail about include the brain-eating nanobots, the reservation, "gods," and The Cutters.

The Cutters, if I haven't mentioned before, are a group of Pretties founded by Shay. Yes, they take knives and cut themselves in order to be less pretty-headed and more "normal". (Bad! Don't try it at home!) Shay has cured herself through her anger and cutting. Strange, but it worked.

Zane on the other hand, took 1 of the 2 pills given to Tally. The 2 pills are suppose to be used in combination. By luck of the draw, Tally got the "harmless" pill while Zane got the brain-eating nanobot pill. Tally's pill supposedly stops the nanobots from destroying cells. If Zane or Tally took both pills, then the nanobots would destroy the lesion and stop once the stopping pill was taken. Instead, Zane got most of his brain destroyed.

Tally accidentally stumbled upon a reservation. This reservation contains "wild" people. Tally discovers that these people are being studied by Middle Pretties (not "stupid" pretties.) These "wild" people are being studied and observed on how they interact and create violence. The first lesions were given to some of these people as an experiment. When these people first saw Tally, after she cleaned off the mud, they thought she was a god. They think that all of the pretties are gods, and they know about hovercars and a few other city-technology. Strange, right? Well that's how these people were cultivated.

Since there is a 3rd book in this series, I have already moved on to reading Specials by Scott Westerfeld. In case you have not picked up on this theory yet, I will inform you. I was talking to my grandparents one evening about this series, and I made an educated guess that has already been proved correct. I guessed that in the third book Tally would be a Special and yes I was correct. Please note the titles of the books: Uglies, Pretties, and Specials. The title describes the social tier that Tally is placed on. Yay! Now you know!

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