Monday, April 22, 2013

Technology makes us DUMBER

Okay, so I normally post about the books I'm reading, but today I feel like branching out a little bit. Plus, it's not like anybody reads my posts. If you don't want to read this, please click on the video link anyways.

Today in my social psychology class we talked about how technology is affecting our daily lives. We watched a video about it and the video made me realize how technology is not actually helping us become more efficient, but making us, as a human race, dumber.
Think about it a little: to my fellow students, which website do you go to for quick answers to homework? Probably Google which then leads you to Wikipedia, am I right? (Go ahead, admit it.) By searching on Google for every little answer, you are giving your brain an excuse to not remember as much information.
And how focused are you when you do happen to study? I bet you have your phone next to you and at least one social media site up in case you get a message while studying. I certainly do! I'm so distracted when I have my computer open. And I think I checked my phone at least 3 times while writing this post, and I haven't received a text message.

So please watch this video, I hope it will inspire you to look at technology differently:
This video helped me appreciate having a "dumb phone."

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