Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Observing Language: Style Mapping

Uglies by Scott Westerfeld uses lower language that is harsh and connotative. The word choice is more familiar and blunt, grating and clattering, and also suggestive and imagistic. Words like "cat vomit," "scudding," "bottomless," "cold," and "sucks" suggest familiar, imagtistic, and grating language. On the nearly-opposite pole is Master & Commander by Patrick O'Brian, with the use of high, musical, and connotative language. O'Brain's words for scholarly, fancy, and archaic as he describes the buildings, people, and music. His words are sweet, harmonious, lyrical and imagistic when he describes the violin player and other musicians. Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian is similar with its scholarly words that flow together with a more poetic, suggestive nature.

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