Friday, August 26, 2011


Master & Commander by Patrick O'Brian:
This week: 150 pages

Sentences of the Week:

1. "If you really must beat the measure, sir, let me entreat you to do so in time, and not half a beat ahead." - Jack Aubrey to Stephen Maturin. 
I like this quote because it is about music and how Maturin cannot keep time. It reminds me of some of the band students.

2. "If you had not gone a-caterwauling you might have been aboard your own sloop, in an officerlike manner. God strike me down, but it is a pretty state of affairs when a young fellow prefers the company of Italian fiddlers and eunuchs to taking possession of his own first command." - Captain Harte
This quote is funny because Captain Harte disses Jack Aubrey

3. "Or by the echoing repetition of 'shall suffer death'." This quote also includes the rest of the page, but that's too long and boring. Basically, the rules of the ship are being read to the passengers and each law is punishable by death. Each sentence is followed by "Shall suffer death." This amuses me. =P

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