Friday, September 16, 2011


Gifts by Ursula K. Le Guin
The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Pages Read This Week: 118
Pages This Semester:  591


1. "You know when sometimes you meet someone so beautiful and then you actually talk to them and five minutes later they're as dull as a brick? Then there's other people, when you meet them you think, "Not bad. They're okay." And then you get to know them and... and their face just sort of becomes them. Like their personality's written all over it. And they just turn into something so beautiful." - Amy Pond from Dr. Who
This quote is so cute and romantic (in context at least)!

2. "Thy acts are like mercy," said Hester, bewildered and appalled; "but thy words interpret thee as a terror!"
"One thing, thou that wast my wife, I would enjoin upon thee," continued the scholar. "Thou hast kept the secret of thy paramour. Keep, likewise, mine! There are none in this land that know me. Breathe not to any human soul that thou didst ever call me husband! Here, on this wild outskirt of the earth, I shall pitch my tent; for, elsewhere a wanderer, and isolated from human interests, I find here a woman, a man, a child, amongst whom and myself there exist the closest ligaments. No matter whether of love or hate: no matter whether of right or wrong! Thou and thine, Hester Prynne, belong to me. My home is where thou art and where he is. But betray me not!"
"Wherefore dost thou desire it?" inquired Hester, shrinking, she hardly knew why, from this secret bond. "Why not announce thyself openly, and cast me off at once?"
"It may be," he replied, "because I will not encounter the dishonour that besmirches the husband of a faithless woman. It may be for other reasons. Enough, it is my purpose to live and die unknown. Let, therefore, thy husband be to the world as one already dead, and of whom no tidings shall ever come. Recognise me not, by word, by sign, by look! Breathe not the secret, above all, to the man thou wottest of. Shouldst thou fail me in this, beware! His fame, his position, his life will be in my hands. Beware!"
"I will keep thy secret, as I have his," said Hester.
"Swear it!" rejoined he.
And she took the oath.
"And now, Mistress Prynne," said old Roger Chillingworth, as he was hereafter to be named, "I leave thee alone: alone with thy infant and the scarlet letter! How is it, Hester? Doth thy sentence bind thee to wear the token in thy sleep? Art thou not afraid of nightmares and hideous dreams?" -The Scarlet Letter 

Yeah these are long quotes but the context helps prevent confusion for you people who have not read The Scarlet Letter. I find this quote amusing because he is mad at her and they use Old English words. I can't take people seriously when they speak differently from what I am used to. Also, he is not quite teasing her, but I can't find the right word, when he says that he does not want to reveal his identity to the townspeople because of the reputation he would earn but then says that it could be a different reason. He's trying to keep secrets. It reminds me of my friends who say "maybe" when I ask them a yes/no question. I know what the real answer is but they are trying to hide it from me anyways.

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